Friday, September 24, 2010


Kaden's third word was Moon. What kind of little boy says the word "moon" as one of their first five words? My kid. I made it a point to read him the book "Goodnite Moon" since the day he was born, and everyday since. And I have always talked about and showed him the beautiful moon since he was just days old. Mama has a strange obsession with the gorgeous luna, and it should be no surprise to me that my little one adores it as well.

Since we moved here, I have wanted to take him to the Museum of Nature and Science. I wasn't even sure if there would be anything there of interest to him, but I love for him to have new and unique experiences, so when *free day* was upon us, I decided to give it a whirl. I'm SO happy we did!

~I started this video a few seconds late....Kaden was having a crazy *daddy* day. He sometimes has mommy days and sometimes has daddy days. On this particular day, he chanted *daddy* louder than I have ever just kept getting louder and louder....this is the tail end of it.

~Also, I know this is not the *moon*, but he was so excited, how could we tell him different?

~Kaden has a new love for dinosaurs...and he was completely smitten with this ginormous TRex.

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