~my big boy.
~This pinwheel from The Dollar Tree may be the best dollar I ever spent.
~super best friends.
I sometimes think back to that stage where Kaden struggled to fall asleep at night, and I feel a pain in my heart at what a challenge it all was. The sleep training, over and over again. He has come a looooong way, and for that I am so grateful! I am chuckling a little to myself as I write this, because anyone who knows me, will laugh at the fact that I purposely drive a little longer than I should just before naptime. I do this on our days off together hoping that we can bypass the struggle of naptime and just let him fall asleep in the car and transition him into his bed while he is deep in REM sleep.
Kaden has decided it's time to have another Go at the whole sleep struggle phase, and he is getting up and out of his crib 27 times after we say good night each night. This has been happening for the past 5 nights, and I was starting to lose it a little bit. I did a bit of "googling" (what on earth did Moms do before google!) and read the super nanny take on it, which is simple enough...don't give him any attention at all, and don't even make eye contact, just keep putting him back in his bed. I tried this last night and he finally went to sleep after about 7 times. It was so cute and so hard not to crack a smile. Each time I reached down to pick him up, his arms would already be outstretched up toward me and he would say "I sorry" in the cutest voice ever. Here's hoping tonite he only does it 5 times!
The weather has been gorgeous and we have been enjoying every minute of being outdoors! Could it be that Spring is here? Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Here is a little weekend linky love...
Celebrate all things BOYS! Girls get all the attention, it's time to celebrate the wonder of the boy.
I am so excited to make this hummus this weekend, it reminds me of a yummy one they had at my beloved Trader Joes.
This house tour makes me miss California a wee bit.
I totally want to make this for nugget's room, so cute!
I'm not a huge fan of Corned beef and cabbage, so instead we opted for Beef Stew on St Paddy's day, and this recipe with a little extra love was so yummy, and made my house smell incredible after a long day at work!
I am so wanting whale tissue holder, how ridiculously cute is this?
Completely mouthwatering.
This post is a much needed for all my mommy readers. It was written a few years ago, but I just happened to stumble upon it.
and because who doesn't need some new ideas for how to play with marshmallows?
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