~Daddy and his mini me.
dear kaden,
today you turned three years old (ok, actually a week ago, but i accidentally deleted the post where i wrote you on your actual bday, so this is a wee bit late). another candle on the cake and another year of adventures and memories to look forward to! you are such a sweet, bright and hilarious little boy. i feel so blessed to be your mommy!
you had mixed feelings about turning three, and argued that you wanted to stay two a bit longer. i also could have enjoyed you at two a wee bit longer, i enjoyed all of those beautiful and crazy moments, that some people refer to as the "terrible twos". they definitely were not even close to terrible. we learned so much about each other, we took deep breaths, and we learned to be a bit more patient and present. this past year has gone too fast, but I suppose that will be a recurring theme in your childhood.
i know I say this all the time (and i don't think i will be stopping anytime soon) but you are a complete and utter joy to know. your laugh and your smile, and basically your entire energy for life is contagious and felt by every person you meet. i know you are going to grow up to be an amazingly talented and creative soul, and incredibly kind and i know you will find joy in the simple things in life. mommy and daddy could not be more proud of you. thank you for all the joy you bring us, you are truly one of a kind.
happy birthday my sweet little nugget.
i love you,
your mommy.
some of your faves.
song *you have too many to list, but the ones that stand out are ol dan tucker, sneaky snake, and gonna paint the town by the stanley brothers.
word *poop or poopy doopy.
food *spaghetti and meatballs. or a wetzel pretzel...you could eat those three times a day.
book *knuffle bunny is a definite fave, although you also adore the photo book that uncle tobe made for mommy from our roch-cha-cha trip. your new love is the happy birthday to you book by dr seuss because you love that it says "poop deck" at the end.
thing to do. go to "purple mountain park" aka Central Park. you would live there if you could. picnic is not optional. must.have.picnic. or the zoo...we could go to the zoo 365 days a year and love every second of it.
~Daddy's new electric blue hair.
~hot cocoa smile.
~loving his new bday gift from Poppy and LaLa!
~cozying up with his bday gifts from uncle tobe and aunt kerry.
~helpin mama cook chili. he chose shades so his eyes wouldn't water from the onions! smart boy!
and I thought I might post a video of daddy rockin out at his first gig with MOMMA! so proud of him!
shades to block onion tears - please! he is too much and i miss him so!